
New Variant Proposal: Premove Chess

White makes their move, then black makes theirs without seeing white's move, then white makes theirs without seeing blacks etc so the board is always one move behind. In checks, they would have to try again until the move is legal. Such fun!
I think we already have this variant: its called 1/2 minute hyperbullet ;)
That seems like a fun variant. I was expecting something else which we can already play:

The first player who checkmates the opponent or who has to wait for a move by the opponent after making an even number of moves himself/herself has won.

So you can think on odd numbers of moves and you have to use many premoves.

Would someone like to try this against me in a casual correspondence game (14 days per turn)?
Might as well make a rts chess variant lol
lol 1/2 blitz is practically a premove game but still does require a little thinking. I think that a u1600 bullet should be created.
ok this is not the correct place to write this but I just remembered a variant someone showed me some years ago. White plays one move then black plays two then white plays 3 and so on...
f.e. :1.e4 e5+Nf6 2. Bc4+Qh5+Qf7#
I'd like to add an old OTB variant called "Pocket Knight Chess" Each player keeps an extra knight in their pocket...and at any stage of the game...instead of moving one can insert their knight on any vacant square they choose. Chess variants... must be as old as the game itself. :]
To Morningcoffee..I found the name of the variant you described...Its called "progressive chess"....And there is "Prohibition chess" where no check is allowed unless it produces mate. Very fun... :]
@Zugzwang69 yAAAS!
progressive chess. I thought it was quite fun when I played it, especially when you had 8 moves with a knight and a couple of pawns to search for mate

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