
your masterpiece

Hi, do you have a game in which you lost the queen but went on to the end and even you won the game?
I lost the pgn of that game a long time ago. It was when i was around 1300.
I saw the Torre vs Lasker game and after a failed opening with no castling rights and a pawn down, i still had the rook-bishop attack on the king, but the knight was in the middle of the combo. So i just sac my queen and proceed with the lawnmower.

He missed the 1 chance draw by repetition, and after that, i proceeded to mop all the 7th rank, though not really needed, then checkmated him.

Probably my first real queen sac.
No masterpiece, but found one where I won after blundering the queen early.

Counterblunders are nice.
#1 I don't have such a game but I really want to show everyone this amazing game:

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