
feature request: STOP countdown of opponent's clock when connection is lost

As you may understand that countdown of opponent's clock when connection is lost is highly misleading.

Instead site may blink both clocks, for example.

Timeout to decide "connection is lost" and to stop countdown may be 1 second.
Another possible way to prevent misinformation of user is countdown of *both* clocks while blinking.

What do you mean by highly misleading? Does it countdown or not?
#4 Opponent's clock should not countdown on connection fail at a good site.
#4 The situation when opponent's clock countdown AND user clock is stopped while there is no connection is highly misleading.

However, the situation when both clocks are stopped or both are running is better. You may choose which one is best.
If there is connection failure of one player, that player's time should be deducted.

If both player's connection fails, both their time will be deducted.
@duropo , this way you can fix the problem, rather than remain ignorant of it and lose on time.
estimados programadores de revisen sus servidores porque se cae mucho la señal y tarda demasiado para reconectar

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