
Why It’s a Must to Study Classical Chess Games

@dboing said in #20:
> I have no clue about yours. but mine is above 1600 and below 1900 with lots of confidence, and I might behave like 1900.. in middlegame....

I'm currently at ~1600, aiming to reach 2000 at the end of the year. Not impossible, but I need to be able to keep a more stable playing standard. Also trying to understand how to play when opening is finished.

That's in Rapid, for me Blitz is rather a tool for experiment. Should be playing Classical again.
@OctoPinky said in #21:

Well you could consider me for many games in your correspondance chess wilderness or laboratory. I will try to be serious. But, the board talks to me at times, and I can't help be under that influence, .... LOL.

Let's try some non rated first not to become too conservative too fast (I try not to care, but you know, added pressure, yet for a good measure I think we should test our lows as well as our best thinking, which often might be how much energy or time we put into it). But I might also need updating my pool relation estimate. Who knows if my other chess learnings might show up on such averaging end-point.
@JamesColeman said in #6:
> Pretty sure he meant to say minority attack - was a typo

Thanks! I read the article and three different times he called that situation a majority attack. I was starting to worry that I completely misunderstood the concept & terminology.
Working on tactics for 15-30 minutes a day, playing 1 or 2 long games a week with analysis (let's say 2-3 hours for one game and its analysis), working on strategy, endgames, openings... a tournament every 3 to 4 months (plus games analysis), there's not much time left to work on grandmaster games.
Please make more courses free...It is a very good article by the way..I am going to include this method whenever i practice