
Gukesh vs Magnus

Today is the big day that the young Indian is facing the ex-world champion on India’s 77 Independence Day! Wishing Gukesh good luck!

Big thanks to Lichess for also streaming this wonderful event!
Sorry to disturb you and correct you but it is India's 76th independence year.
It will be so excited game
Cant wait
If it would be in LIVE then more excitement
@ARNAVnewboy said in #4:
> Sorry to disturb you and correct you but it is India's 76th independence year.
It was 77th Independence Day and 76 years of Independence.
The day nation gets Independence, they celebrate 1st Independence Day on that occasion and hence the counting.
@Passionate_Player said in #8:
> Sure, if you want to count from 1930 as well now...
Not technically since British were still in Indian subcontinent and left only after the Quit India Movement.

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