
Chess books for my level?


I just recently broke 1200 and I am now 1300. What chess books would you guys reccomend for my level? What should I be focusing on in games? What should I be doing to improve (I already do puzzles and analyze my games)?
In my own experience, you dont need books at all untill 1700, but im sure that lot of people will proof that im not right
Good to hear that you are a 1300 now which means you hang pieces every 10 moves .

Books would not be of much help but

1) Daniel Naroditsky 600 - 2600 speedrun in which he explains every move and his thought process . Post - game analysis is simple enough to be understood if you know how pieces move .

2) Chess Classics you must know by Chessbase India is something you can watch while eating Lunch everyday . You will play 200-300 points stronger if you play a game after watching one video of the series

I don't hang pieces THAT often, but I'll sometimes hang a bishop or knight...

I'll check both of those out. Is Chess Classics on YouTube?
Hello I just turned 13 and am a 1600 except in bullet and being a 13 yr old and at this level good?Or is it just a normal level to be in.
It is definetly good @DesertOrder. I am 12 and of about the same rating. But considering that 600 to 800 million people play chess (an estimate) and never reach that level it is good. But I would not hold my breath expecting to be World Champion.
@Tidw_J_BY i would take a look on some basic books, like capa's "chess fundamentals", or logical chess move by move. Some books of silman, like "amateur's mind". And you are good.

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