
Which opening is the most recommended for White?

i like the vienna gambit, london could be good, queens gambit, fried liver, ruy lopez. but you really have the choice
Reti Opening, The Spanish, maybe even Scotch Gambit, but the most of the entirety of the openings are good, the player is the one with the choice; likely the one whitch you are most comfortabe with.
@Warlof said in #13:
> Work on tactics, not openings
Even GMs work on openings …
Who are you to think otherwise?

A strong play begins from the opening you make.
That was an advice but do like you want.

I think you are not GM
@Warlof said in #17:
> That was an advice but do like you want.
> I think you are not GM

In what way did I claim to be a GM?

You think having a 2k+ rating is you playing the best chess??
I'm talking about want rated players do, whilst prepping for tourneys, either online or OTB and you're here saying what?
@TanmayVerma939 said in #1:
> Which opening is the most recommended for White? All the computer systems gave different recommendations so I am not able to decide.
Just like a lot of people have suggested, depending on your playing style, either positional or tactical + if you're an aggressive one, you can check YouTube to help.
BTW, for white, the King's pawn opening works well, as it can transpose into a lot of their openings, depending on your opposition's response.

Like I said sha, you can check YouTube.
In essence, there are only 2 viable ways to play as white. e4 to attack, d4 in a positional play.
You can argue all day c4 is a thing, but it transposes to a standard d4. Other openings, like Nc3/Nf3 or so will end up transposing to a e4/d4 structure as well.

So, pick a team.

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