
Magnus is WC

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Wow, congratulations, Mugnoos Karlsen. He has been wcc since 2013 but okay I guess you're right.
in my opinion this was the worst wcc since a long time

nepo just going for the spanish game even tho magnus has shown he has no trouble equalizing with his prep.
magnus just aiming to make the game as boring as possible with white.
even the wins were boring as hell.
a timetrouble blunder in a position that should have been drawn and nepo defeating himself with easy blunders that arent worthy of a wcc or even a gm game.

there wasnt really anything special in my eyes.
Nepo I think the first 5 matches were a draw if I remember correctly. Because of this, he may have gotten bored of the championship and caused Magnus to win the matches. Psychology is broken 1 time continues. And such a year gave Magnus another championship to Carlsen, who has been the Champion since 2013. But it's not the end of the world.
@jesgluckner said in #5:
> magnus just aiming to make the game as boring as possible with white.
> even the wins were boring as hell.
> a timetrouble blunder in a position that should have been drawn and nepo defeating himself with easy blunders that arent worthy of a wcc or even a gm game.
> there wasnt really anything special in my eyes.

Sure you can call it boring, but I think there is some dry aesthetic to those games as well. Magnus is known for his dry, endgame-oriented play. And he is known for grinding down to bare kings. In this respect he is similar to Fischer. And this also explains why Nepo "easy blunders". The dry positions Magnus creates is full of tensions. It is much easier to blunder than not to.
IMHO all the games were good. Last Friday took it out of Nepo but I was surprised that he blundered in this game with the knight. Pushing the pawn forward attacking the rook was the worst move in the game. But saying that the matches were boring is silly really. It’s my first time watching these and I thought the games were excellent in my eyes.
Nepo started off quite well but two blunders and it's all over , Carlsen was solid ,genus level solid

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