
Search "user:dfranke"

44 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Puzzle of the day has two solutions?! (spoiler warning)#4

I looked at the source code for Lichess's puzzle generator. Looks like the scope of the exception to uniqueness rule is that it's permitted to have multiple moves which give mate in 1.

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle of the day has two solutions?! (spoiler warning)#1 is a mate-in-three, but on the third move you can give mate by promoting to either a queen or a rook. I thought Lichess puzzles were supposed to always have a single…

General Chess Discussion - You Don't Get to Know Who Won the Titled Arena, Sorry. #165

I think Lichess is doing everything just right with respect to anonymity and I hope nothing changes.

General Chess Discussion - Idea! DEFENSIVE puzzle storm.... (???)#4

Try playing the "Defensive Move" motif.

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle storm performance histograms#1

I understand the admins' desire not to have a leaderboard for Puzzle Storm since it would incentivize cheating, but it's still kind of unsatisfying getting a score and having no idea how it stacks up …

Lichess Feedback - A gripe about computer-generated puzzles#1

I'll preface this rant by noting that, overall, I *love* the new Lichess puzzle system. It's a huge step up in quality over the old one and over those on any competing site. I understand that the prob…

General Chess Discussion - is it possible for a human to see a mate in 12?#5

A rook-and-king vs. lone king mate can require up to 16 moves, but a 1400 can calculate it easily.

Lichess Feedback - Draw offers in correspondence should prevent conditional premove execution#9

@Toadofsky I don't understand what point you're making by mentioning FIDE rules. Your point would make sense if someone were arguing that you should retain your right to accept a draw offer even after…

Lichess Feedback - Draw offers in correspondence should prevent conditional premove execution#3

Uhm, first of all, if you let Stockfish run for several minutes, it gives an evaluation of +0.6. That's +=, not "winning". This game was almost entirely theory, and the handful of independent moves we…

Lichess Feedback - Draw offers in correspondence should prevent conditional premove execution#1 In this game (in which I played black), my opponent offered a draw before playing 21. Nxf5. I would have accepted it, judging white to have a slight edge in this pos…
