
Search "user:bobus27"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - playing for a rating#7

If you derive satisfaction from your achievements or skill in a game, it's just as valid as deriving satisfaction from the act of playing the game itself (although usually if one does not like a game …

General Chess Discussion - Why do higher rated bullet players always have a comeback?#25

@Roadto2_1k said in #22: > tbf I do think the mouse makes quite a difference I would personally beg to differ. I use a 5 dollar mouse that's probably half as old as me and I don't really feel like it'…

General Chess Discussion - Why do higher rated bullet players always have a comeback?#18

@Overcooker said in #17: > I only play lazer and only with 9.5 AR mod and synesthesia since they introduced it, so I get no score. However I get B on 4 star maps and I can "finish" 5 star maps. It dep…

General Chess Discussion - When do you start playing titled players#30

I encounter them rarely while floating around 2200-2330

General Chess Discussion - Why do higher rated bullet players always have a comeback?#15

@Overcooker said in #8: > You don't need an expensive mouse to play chess. I have a cheap wireless Logitech "office" mouse, not even a "gaming" mouse, and I can play osu with it. > > Disabling mouse a…

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