
Search "user:UltraMuddish"

2420 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - what is blud saying#1

my man blud think he on da team onb he trippin for dat

Off-Topic Discussion - Who has the most forum posts on lichess?#51

@Komokid said in #49: > To be fair I've been chatbanned 3 times so my time for posting is rather... > > limited to say the least. amateur

Off-Topic Discussion - toughest question in the world#38

@Mahen_S said in #1: > A farmer had 752 sheep and took one shot that got them all. How did he do it? > > guys i am stuck in this question... can you answer this for me? also if you are gonna use googl…

Off-Topic Discussion - Off topic is dead right now:(#20

@Diaconu_Teodora said in #1: > topic is now dead. And this is sad. I really miss the days when there were funny and interesting posts. But now the days have changed. There are lots of spam th…

Off-Topic Discussion - Who has the most forum posts on lichess?#47

@A_0123456 said in #41: > You unintentionally pinged 10 extra people in a post. > But oh well i did the same but for 6 people now people who have more than me are sweats and people who have less than …

Off-Topic Discussion - Post your dating bio here#20

The Hog Rider card is unlocked from the Spell Valley (Arena 5). He is a very fast building-targeting, melee troop with moderately high hitpoints and damage. He appears just like his Clash of Clans cou…

Off-Topic Discussion - Who do you like the most#14

@kuravi2010 said in #2: > ur dad whoever asked is as absent as your dad

Off-Topic Discussion - What country is the most brainwashed#37

@TheMuffinMan2000 said in #11: > you have to clarify what you mean by brainwashing. I am going to assume the definition is something like "propagandized to believe incorrect information" in which case…

Off-Topic Discussion - Old forum posters vs new ones?#5

do i qualify as old

Off-Topic Discussion - i am lonely#24

@ManlyWalrus said in #1: > i do not have any friends what shall i do no one chats with me then get friends loo
