
Search "user:Dannyskillz"

6 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Streaming question.#10

@Johan201023 said in #8: > you need to put category chess so that lichess automatic detector or something can see that you are streaming chess. Thank you, now it works!

Lichess Feedback - Streaming question.#6

@Hrant_Petrosyan said in #3: > If you do not have an icon appearing on the profile, it means that you have never made a video, you must make a video of at least 1 hour, if it is otherwise, please cons…

Lichess Feedback - Streaming question.#5

how do I put it to chess? where?

Lichess Feedback - Streaming question.#1

I've had it. My stream never shows up on lichess. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and there's no email anywhere where I can mail my questions.

Lichess Feedback - Streaming question.#1

Hi! I'm trying to make my stream show up on lichess but I really can't get it to work. I have tried Xsplit nad OBS, what am I doing wrong? Is there something I should type in somewhere? thanks. /Danny…
