
Search "user:sosumisai"

43 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chess and inteligence corelation#28

My guess is the biggest correlations would be between high chess ratings and above-average visual and sequential memory. Remembering mating patterns, opening traps, endgame techniques, etc. is a huge …

General Chess Discussion - Suggestion : Location USSR#7

Mongol and Ottoman flags would be cool. Roman Empire? Maybe the Holy Roman Empire and eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, as they played chess. Ancient Romans did not have chess yet.

General Chess Discussion - Why is Paul Morphy so underrated?#51

Morphy proved over the chessboard he was the best alive for 15 years (1854-1869) by winning every even match, and most matches in which he gave the opponent odds of up to a rook. Even after he stopped…

General Chess Discussion - Highest puzzle rating#23

LOL I got thumbs down on my constructive criticism with no explanation why. Many other puzzle trainers have timers, and our games here have timers with different ratings for different timers. Why not …

General Chess Discussion - Highest puzzle rating#22

A great improvement to the puzzles would be to have a variable timer on them, and separate puzzle ratings for * bullet (a few seconds per puzzle, or timeout and fail), * blitz (10-30 seconds/puzzle), …

General Chess Discussion - Why is Paul Morphy so underrated?#49

If we are talking about underrated players from Morphy's era, we should mention Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa, perhaps the most underrated player of the 19th century. At his peak, from 1841-1860…

General Chess Discussion - Why is Paul Morphy so underrated?#11

Morphy underrated? Fischer placed him as the best ever: "perhaps the most accurate chess player who ever lived" Many older American chess fans can't stop going on and on about Morphy and Fischer, and …

General Chess Discussion - Don't Play the Toilet Gambit !!#4

I am surprised it took so long for the OTB chess community to start taking the covert computer assistance issue seriously. My guess is some people have been doing this kind of thing since the 1990's, …

Lichess Feedback - lichess achievement#14

We should have a "Pac Man" badge for eating lots of pawns! When you capture 1,000 pawns = plain Pac Man. 10,000 pawns = Ms. Pac Man. 100,000 pawns = Super Pac Man!

Lichess Feedback - Lichess pleaseee change the puzzle points...#26

My suggestions are to make it as effective as possible as a training tool. LiChess is not the only place to do chess puzzles. I do most of my puzzles elsewhere, and I have seen other ways to do it, an…
