
How much countries?

Probably a lot :P I've seen people from lots of countries like: Italy, China, Bahamas, Germany, USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Brazil, Slovakia, UK, India, Greece, South Africa, Ukraine, Belgium, Finland, France, Russia, Indonesia and countless others. That's just like 20 but there's a lot more that I'm forgetting. Maybe some other people can add countries they saw people from or where they're from. ;)
Azerbaijan, Argentina , Italy, Iran, , Norway, Uruguay, Spain and Mars, to add a few to the above lovely username's list. :)
The statistics are of how many moves are made by countries in the time (4 seconds on my computer) ?
The question should really be, what country HAVEN'T we come across?

For me personally in my many years here, off the top of my head:

- Americas: handful of Caribbean islands, though I _have_ seen most. Never seen Belize or El Salvador
- Africa: except North Africa (Egypt, Algeria, etc), Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Rwanda, and the country of South Africa, all of which crop up regularly... I haven't seen most African countries. I think I saw an Ethiopia once as well, but most of Africa has never had a taste of lichess so far. I also learnt about a place I didn't know before through lichess, the tiny island of Réunion, off the coast of Madagascar (where someone apparently plays chess on lichess!).
- Middle East: Yemen, Oman
- Central Asia: Afghanistan, Tajikistan
- Southeast Asia: Cambodia, Laos, Burma/Myanmar. The latter has very restricted internet access as far I know, mostly for political reasons.
- Oceania: I honestly know very little about this part of the world, but I've never seen Papua New Guinea and can't think of any islands from that region that I have seen.

It's also worth noting that I can see people's actual locations.
Many people misreport their location for some reason, picking tiny islands like Tuvalu, or ridiculous places like North Korea, where very few citizens are even allowed to access the full internet (NK has its own, locked down network, only select government officials can use the web).

In short, lichess has had a player from almost everywhere except the inner parts of Africa. In many of those countries, esp. Swahili-influenced places, variants of Mancala have a higher standing than chess, which was introduced through trade with other continents. That's why we have very good coverage of Asia, India and the Middle East; internet access may not be very widespread (especially not at home), but there is a strong chess culture in most of those countries.
I'm from Argentina here. I have played people from Turkey, to add another country to the list.
#8, and yet in your own profile you say Perth, Australia...?

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