
lichess has different behaviour this week - sound reminder is faster than a game

Hello All
this week - maybe 2 days ago i have found that i first hear a beep/gong of a new game and only 1-2 seconds later i saw the board with new game - it has never been like this before but i must say sometimes i ddint hear the beep even after the game has started, or we made two plys and only later there was a gong sound of START.

What has changed - is it intentional?

Have any of you readers noticed that?

i have checked the changelog (last change May 27th - ) so i assume i didnt miss any important info from lichess :)

@zanycolourfulwindow thank you for your feedback - i am sure its permanent - it happens in all of my yesterday and todays games :) - it must be some change in matrix :) but who made it :)?
it's probably just a glitch that will be sorted out soon? I don't know much technology stuff
@zanycolourfulwindow i hope that the forum will found out an legitimate answer from lichess - i think its better than before as earlier sometimes i didnt hear the sound of a starting game :)
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The attention sound is now played as soon as you are paired rather than after the game page loads.

This change was made to overcome a limitation where a newly refreshed game page was unable to play a sound until a user interaction (due to browser autoplay restrictions). Now it should be safe to background a tab while waiting for pairing regardless of your autoplay settings. You should still hear the sound.

The drawbacks? In addition to nearly everyone being annoyed that the sound plays half a second sooner than it used to, it appears to cause some problems with older versions of Safari.
Thank you very much @schlawg so its an bugfix out of the published changelog :) - yes earlier at busy browsers the sound sometimes didnt play - good to know that issue has been adressed.
this is still ongoing.
and if i press rematch and the opponent accepts there is no sound now.

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