
who hopes Ukraine will win?

@MrPushwood said in #5:
> "Putin , like all dictators will eventually be toppled"
> Yeah, like Stalin!
Why don't we fast forward to when he kills himself with his newly wed wife in a bunker?
Im an indian so neither we can support Russia nor Ukraine but i pray this war stops as soon as possible because it seems world War III is close
@Lindija said in #48:
> You gotta remember, it’s Putins war not Russia’s war.
> Many Russians is against the war or affected by the propaganda from Russia.

you are happy cause you born in norway a strong democrative country, i am not.

First it is russia war against Ukraine - majority russia society in active or passive way supports it (if you buy russian shit you pay taxes and support boms). It is war not a crisis or special russian military operation. The reasson of war is Putler (Putin) goverment which saw that a Ukraine becomes truly democrative, independent and succsesful - an it is a big problem for them cause russia society probably would like to follow them in the future and a dream of russia empire colapses. So they decided to start a war. They thouth that it looks like in 2014 when Crimeria anexy occurs, but as we can see, now ukraine is fighting. For them it is war of homeland.

How to solve: One way is to isolate russia completly from west world. In other words to do a life in russia inapropriate/uncomfortable and russian people have to chose between: to live life like in soviet union/ north korea or to revolutionise themself into real democrative country. We see that Ukraine resist, so russia can't win - majority of people are against occupation, only way - to nihilate all nation - so this is imposible.

Slava Ukraini!
Yeah, but I’m just saying that not every Russians is like Putin.
And I’m against this stupid war, that shouldn’t been started to begin with. I do wish also that this war goes the right way for Ukraine.
And that they stay safe. #stopwar

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