
Seeking feedback for my endgame training app

A few months ago I found this fantastic compilation of endgame positions elaborated by Narkefok_Vidda:

I found it very interesting to be able to practice these positions so well organized, but many times I would have liked to do it offline from my mobile.

For this reason I started to develop my first mobile application to practice endgame positions. I already have a functional version that allows playing against many of those positions (I still have a lot of them to integrate).
During the practice, if the position has less than 7 pieces, an online syzygy query service is used. If this service fails or there are more pieces, Stockfish is used (with configurable strength).
In addition, the application allows to put the machine to solve the position. It also register a record of movements for each position.

I hope you like it and if you have any suggestions or detect any errors I will be very grateful.

The application is in beta, very advanced (I think), as soon as it has version 1.0 I will upload the sources to github (and the apk to the playstore): it is and will always be free and gratis.

In the meantime, here is a link:

During startup, the app detects if I have uploaded a new version and invites to download it (you can disable this behavior). So, when I upload new positions the app will detect it automatically.

I have used these libraries and resources:
Database of chess endgames from Narkefok_Vidda
A chess library for chess move generation / validation, piece placement / movement, and check / checkmate / draw detection
A Javascript chess board
The open source chess engine Stockfish compiled to JavaScript using Emscripten
Online database with information for all endgame positions with up to 6 pieces
Great app! :-)
I tried it few weeks ago but there were really few positions, now I see there's plenty of them. Ya va cogiendo color! ;-)


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