
Puzzle 5412

The queen appears trapped at the ending of this puzzle. How is that a best move?
You have taken blacks Q, so if you are actually trapped, in the worst case you can trade your Q for either of the Bishops or the N, making it a net gain of 3 points of material.

In actual fact though, the Q is not trapped. The Q is not under attack. Blacks pieces are all trapped. The only free piece is the N on B7. For it to attack the Q, takes 3 moves to get to e6, but e6 is covered by the white B.
Black could also try Kd6, then Nc6, but then Qxa8, so you lose the Q, but are up by a rook now.
Black could try something similar on the other side as well. g6 followed by Bg7, but it also ends up with Qxh8 (trading Q for rook)

Also, it's currently white's move. Stockfish says Nf3 followed by Nd4+ is the line to follow, and through most lines it works on unseating the B6 Knight and breaking out. E.g.

8.Nf3 Na6 9.Ne5+ Kd6 10.Nc4+ Nxc4 11.Qxa8 Nb6 12.Qxb7 Bc8 13.Qxa7 e6 14.Nc3 Kd7 15.O-O Bd6 16.Re1 Ke7 17.Nb5 Rf8 18.Bxe6 Bxe6 19.Qxa6 Kf7 20.Nxd6+ cxd6 21.Qxb6 Re8

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