
How to implement positional concepts?

So far my main concern was getting better at tactics and playing mostly Blitz I got to 1800 which is ok I guess. Now I'm reading more into strategy and positional concepts. The problem is that I need a lot of time during the games to consider all the moves, to calculate and evaluate the position. I need probably 90min a game to really play the best moves to my ability. Is this normal? At the moment I'm playing Stockfish level 5 and 6 because there I can take my time.

So how do I best implement strategy into my games, what time format is the best for my level?
@Tiru84 said in #1:
> So far my main concern was getting better at tactics and playing mostly Blitz I got to 1800 which is ok I guess. Now I'm reading more into strategy and positional concepts. The problem is that I need a lot of time during the games to consider all the moves, to calculate and evaluate the position. I need probably 90min a game to really play the best moves to my ability. Is this normal? At the moment I'm playing Stockfish level 5 and 6 because there I can take my time.
> So how do I best implement strategy into my games, what time format is the best for my level?

Play Classical. You can have 90min on it.
Correspondence can be a interesting option too (you'll have 1 day or more).
Indeed, that slow paced play, with planning and strategic concerns is the real deal in chess. It's where you get a much more sophisticated and beautiful game.
"... Most internet players think that 30 5 is slow, but that is unlikely slow enough to play 'real' chess. You need a game slow enough so that for most of the game you have time to consider all your candidate moves as well as your opponent’s possible replies that at least include his checks, captures, and serious threats, to make sure you can meet all of them. For the average OTB player G/90 is about the fastest, which might be roughly 60 10 online, where there is some delay. But there is no absolute; some people think faster than others and others can play real chess faster because of experience. Many internet players are reluctant to play slower than 30 5 so you might have to settle for that as a 'slow' game." - NM Dan Heisman (2002)
@Tiru84 said in #1:
> At the moment I'm playing Stockfish level 5 and 6 because there I can take my time.
Personally I am playing rarely against the engine and I have no experience with those levels. Does the engine at level 5 or 6 occasionally also commit simple blunders like allowing a mate in 2? If that never happens, then it's a different game: Human opponents are less predictable.
> So how do I best implement strategy into my games, what time format is the best for my level?
I would play a few 20 10 games against humans either in lobby or arena like the one next week and then see, if you feel comfy with that. If that doesn't satisfy your needs, then you should either slow down or speed up.

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