
New Puzzles are here!

This new puzzle system is incredible awesome. Great work lichess !!
Thanks lichess for the themes!
Something strange about the new puzzles though, there is no "go to the next puzzle" button. It looks like you have to choose either the "go to the next puzzle automatically" or the vote thumbs.
With the old puzzles system, I used to vote one time out of ten when the puzzle was terrific, and one time out of a hundred when it was terrible. In most cases I would not vote since most puzzles were in a grey zone, neither terrific nor terrible.
I was happy to give some feedback and happy not to be forced to. As it is now I will have to choose the "go to the next puzzle automatically" and won't be able to give any feedback anymore.

Oh! In fact there is a "go to the next puzzle" button, it is the tiny blue square!
Now I'm trying to do 100 easiest puzzles a day to see if I can improve my blitz games with this method.
It would be even better if the difficulty of puzzles of app version on the phone can also be selected.

Nice revision!
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