
Feature Request: Put a Ukrainian button on the website

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@alms said in #1:
> In Russia there is no free reporting about the war.
Neither is in Ukraina. How many political parties have been prohibited by Selenskyi these days?
So just let this be a chess website without anyone taking sides. Lichess has said all about this question. I do not consent completely on their behaviour, but I do not want to discuss it further.
I used to be a lichess patron, but decided to stop financially supporting the site after they began writing blog posts on political issues. I respect the site owner's prerogative to do that, but at the same time that changes the nature of my donation.

Originally I was just chipping in for a server, but when lichess begins promoting a political viewpoint (from either side) then I have to consider if my money is being used to support a cause, viewpoint, or ideology that I may not agree with. To avoid having to do that kind of vetting, I just stopped donating.

-One person's point of view.
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