
Best openings?

I was just wondering about what openings top players prefer and how they like to play them, as white i generally play Nf3,f6,Nd4,Nh6...
The best players tend to play many different lines. It makes them harder to predict and prepare for and means you have to play and understand different position types.

Players who only play one line can also become strong but usually they limit their development and understanding, especially if the line they play is very tactical & specific.
The best opening is the one you're most comfortable with. Despite that being true, however, it's beneficial to play different openings to get used to their themes, common tactics, etc. Because at higher levels, winning with a single line will become much harder. (The players are aware of literally EVERY single trap that exists there.)
a strong player in the end will find an easy opening to play and have a lot of changes so you reach the end where that player is stronger, whereas a good player in tight games must find an opening that he resembles his game depends on your style of play can take more or less performance for each type of opening.
As white you can sometimes force a specific line (but in others, black has a choice of defence, e.g. 1. Nf3 f6/e5 is already a choice.) As black, you're pretty much at white's whims. So if you want to improve against stronger opposition, you more or less have to learn a variety of black defences - preferences are fine, but knowledge of everything is needed. Personally for example, I like to play whatever I think will annoy my opponent, and if I'm tryharding, I steer the game away from openings I'm bad at. (1. Nh3, or 1. d4 I don't understand as either colour.) Everything else is fair game.
As white I would recommend you learn one line very well to get a good feel for atomic. Once you hit 2100 with those lines, you should start trying new lines, learning all of their ideas. I found it somewhat overwhelming to start by playing many lines at once, but once you understand one opening fairly well, it is good to add other lines to the repertoire. Add these new lines in one by one so that you have plenty of time to learn their ideas and themes too. Slowly learning these ideas will start to help your other lines as well. Keep adding these in and learning new ideas. Additionally, if there are any lines you can't seem to find a defense to as black, try playing these from the white side and see how your opponents defend against them.

As black, try to find busts to your defenses. If you're having trouble defending a particular line, play it as white against strong opposition, see how they defend. Many times there are multiple ways to defend, but sometimes there aren't. Black is going to have a hard time against a good opponent, so just keep trying to find something hard to break or that gives you a lot of play and puts white on the defensive. Your defenses as black should be more like a flowchart, whereas with white you want to have many different lines to choose from that you feel comfortable with.
see stong players play and copy him.
tipau have videos on you tube the same onubense

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