
How to defend a dubious attack in the Ruy Lopez?

I seem to run across this a lot and I frequently lose to it, which is frustrating.

I am a Ruy Lopez player with the white pieces. Often, black will end up dubiously launching his h-pawn at me, sacrificing a piece for two pawns, and in many cases trying to offer a Fishing Pole sacrifice on g4 with anticipations of checkmate down the h-file. The engine, of course, coldly says white is simply winning here, as this attack is unsound. But so often, I lose the thread when trying to walk the defensive tightrope and I manage to lose these positions, even in slow chess. I see ghosts all the time and make moves that don't properly defend.

Any tips for how to defend properly against these attacks?
@Musicrafter12 Develop naturally and play an eventual d4 (c3 then d4), becauee then black will have to retreat his knight as Qh4 (afer hxg4 hxg4) is met with Bf4!.

You will get a huge central and developmental advantage as white.
If your opponent choses a sharp line, then think carefully. Do not see ghosts, do not lose thread. Calculate calmly and play precise moves to refute the unsound attack.
Take this as a famous example: Marshall had studied his novelty ...d5 for years and finally got to play it for the first time against Capablanca. Capablanca had never seen this, but stayed calm, defended and won the game, thus refuting years of preparation by Marshall.
@tpr That is one of those games that make you feel like giving up on chess... years of preparation just gone to waste.

But yes, if you deal with a position calmly, you'll be fine. Don't get overconfident though.
#4 On the contrary it is one of those games that shows opening preparation is often futile and you cannot catch a better player with it. Capablanca said of this game, "I felt honor bound to take the Pawn, as my position should then be defendable." That is the true spirit of a great player.
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Yes. I used to castle very early but sometimes my opponent would just not castle and go straight up pawnstorm and attack.

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