

sometimes, l win a game from someone slightly higher ranked then me, l see him lose a big amount of rankingpoints... last one was about 45 pts loss... While other opponents mostly lose as much as l gain, give or take one or two....

why is that?

Also, l've noticed l never gained more points as my oponent has lost...
I guess it depends on how many games they have played. The more games, the less loss/gain of ranking points. The fewer games, the more loss/gain of points.
The Glicko rating system (the system that this site uses) has a variable called "rating deviation" which is basically the system's confidence in a rated player's rating. For example, new players start at 1500, but since they haven't showed their skill by playing any games yet, the system isn't confident that 1500 is the player's true rating, and the player's rating will fluctuate by a lot until the system is confident that the player's rating is close to his/her true rating.

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