
Who is the lowest rated user that is still active today?

The lowest rating you can get on Lichess is 600. If you lose any more rated games, your rating does not get any lower. Why do you have any interest in the low rated players anyway? Anyway, if you are looking for low-rated players go to chess,com. All the people here are either people wanting to get better or people who are already good at chess.
Lichess should have a TV of the 600 elo players, something tell me that it would have more viewers than the TV of the strongest players.
Lichess should have a TV of the 600 elo players, something tell me that it would have more viewers than the TV of the strongest players.
Lichess should have a pro, patzer, intermediate, and beginner TV so the lesser rated players can learn from people just a bit higher rated than themselves, instead of watching some GM's play rapid successions of moves they dont even understand. i dunno tho maybe my idea is flawed.
@UltraMuddish I agree. We don't really need it for variants unless the player community becomes larger. Just standard is fine. Having a beginner thing wouldn't seem necessary, but having a beginner looking at Patzer TV, and seeing their moves will help the beginners improve, while patzers seeing intermediate TV can improve their game, and so on.

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