
The new tournament overlay while spectating is not good

I'm trying to spectate the candidates through the website (on phone), but it is a nightmare. A banner of the tournament linking to the stream covers the opening book, so I can't analyze the moves, and below there's no chat, and instead I can easy switch between games, but I don't care about that, I'd much rather see the chat. Surely it can't be right that the opening book is unavailable, is there some way to remove the overlay ("display.bin" img) as well as make it possible to see chat (again, this may be a phone browser only issue, but that's my preferred way of using lichess.

Edit: and the overlay also covers the engine toggling option...
Thanks for the feedback, and I agree mobile is hosed right now. It will be fixed for tomorrow's games.
I am quite disappointed by the decision to allocate a gigantic block of space right in the midst of the moves, engine analysis, and opening book. Even though it isn't technically an "ad," it very much acts like one: It clogs up screen space to try to get you to click to consume a third-party product. An option to include the stream would be fine, but it should be something that can be toggled easily, not something that is forcefully and obstructively put in the way of users who have no intention of using it.

Currently I am removing it using the developer tools, but this is not ideal.
@nk1406 of course it's a bug and the devs are aware of it and it'll be fixed. This was not the intended behavior on mobile, so no it's not like an ad.
@Patrizsche I should have been more clear. I know that the OP was talking about mobile, but I am talking about in general (desktop and mobile). Placing the stream on the broadcast was an intentional decision which was not executed as well as it could have been.
Yes, it's terrible. Moves are not visible anymore, you can't switch the engine on, look at the book etc. All is covered by the new ad (banner linking to the stream). Please fix, it just doesn't work on mobile anymore. At least us hide the ad or buy ad free version :)
I'm also pretty unhappy with the mobile setup. The biggest tournament of the year and we can't analyse with the engine
The mobile issue was fixed yesterday but there has not yet been a deployment. I hope your enjoyment of the tournament doesn't suffer too much waiting another day.

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