
Is it really a reasonable idea to push his king side majority in the middle game ?

In that position the player with the black pieces said that at some point he'll start pushing his kingside pawn majority ( in the game white blundered and the player with black changed his plans ) but is it really possible to do so without getting checkmated ? Is it a reasonable idea to go for in the middlegame ? or is it generally very risky? I can't see how black will create a passed pawn there..
Pushing the e-pawn seems like a reasonable goal there; getting everything else going though is gonna take some doing.
"At some point he'll start pushing his kingside pawn majority."

Yes, in the endgame.
Interesting position. Admittedly I haven't analyzed it super deeply but on a first glace I don't think black has any good way to advance his kingside majority, beyond playing e5 without creating serious weaknesses. If I were playing black I think I would go for some plan involving pushing e5 and then going for a minority attack on the queenside with b5 and eventually b4.
I guess it depends on what you look at first. Assuming it is black to move, I would see advancing the e6 pawn as a secondary priority, after solving the problem of the B/c8. Get the kids out of the house and get them decent jobs, isn't that always one of life's primary worries? But of course that doesn't mean the solution to one can't also be the solution to the other. That does happen, sometimes. Specifically, I was looking at both ...b6 and ...b5 idea Bb7 (problem solved directly, look at central outpost d5), but that runs into problems on c6. White's N is a nuisance. So maybe ...e5 at once to drive it away, then ...b5 ...Bb7 etc? But does that create too much weakness K-side? 1...d5 2.Nf5 and now white will not need any persuasion to play Qg3 hitting the soft g7 square. And that c4-f7 diagonal becomes soft. Can black afford then to exchange the problem kid for the N/f5? It does bring back one exchange closer to a heavy piece ending, the f7 square still becomes sensitive, but it does solve at least one problem. But is that ending so desirable? Isn't white's superior minor piece the critical factor in the resulting position, after ...e5 2.Nf5 Bxf5 3.Qxf5. I don't see a central outpost for the N any more.
This is a really good position to practice one's analytical skills. The problem of choosing a move, choosing between candidate moves which both have (seem to have) both advantages and drawbacks. Good position to practice.
black should either activate his pawns in the edgame, or play e5 once the b3 bishop has no way to return to that diagonal so it doesnt create weaknesess
@SoniaNani said in #1:
> or is it generally very risky? I can't see how black will create a passed pawn there.
It's not always about creating a passer. A pawn majoritiy on the kingside can sometimes be used to gain space and in the end to attack the opposite king. In the specific position with pretty active white pieces a commital move like e5 feels risky without calculating lines.
@verylate said in #5:
> Nf5 and now white will not need any persuasion to play Qg3 hitting the soft g7 square. And that c4-f7 diagonal becomes soft.
Due to that diagonal after 1...e5 2.Nf5 White also has the positional threat Nh6+ gxh6 Qxf6. Therefore Bxf5 looks almost forced.

Doesn't necessarily mean, that 1...e5 is a bad move, but it's not a very attractive move. Developing the bishop to b7 looks like an idea, but not sure, if that is really better, maybe White can do some clever move, so that Bb7 can be answered with Nxe6 or Bxe6. The conclusion of an analysis can be, that White is so active, that 1...e5 is sort of forced as a defensive move in order to trade pieces.
FWIW, I see 3 natural plans in that position:
1. minority attack on the queenside: push pawns try to plant knight on c4 , pile up on backward or isolated pawn.
2. try to dominate the queen file [don't see how immediately but it can be an option if white errs]
3. expand on kingside: I'd prepare e5 with Bb7 , Nd4 g6, possibly Nf4.
None are immediate and depend on what white does.

Does any9one see an alternate idea to organize play there??


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