
Why is it that Im way better at classic chess then at rapid ?

I just cannot find an explanation for why I cant get past 1600 at rapid and why I lose so many rapid games from players who are around the 1500's rating. Can you guys help me find the reason for this?
Time anxiety. It took me forever to get my blitz to 1590 and still a long time to get my rapid even close to my classical. My brother it's completely opposite. Andrew tang will always be stronger in bullet than classical. Depends on the person.
Classic players are the real chess players, because they apply chess concepts better than blitz players, tho blitz ones find less powerful chess motives in almost no time, giving them advantage over the classic ones
It’s normal to be 200 points lower at every faster time control, so you are probably 1100 bullet etc.
I don't think you're necessarily better at classical than rapid, it seems that players who play both (and use their time appropriately) tend to have higher classical ratings. The ratings are not comparable between rating categories. I think it might be due in part to a lot of players who play classical not using their time well, so the players who do score better on average.
Nope! I think the explanation is simpler. Fewer players at each increment of longer time control here and everywhere on the internet basically. So its totally normal for ratings to be higher at longer time controls. The way it works is that at the longer time control, there are more players that have the default start rating or near it but are actually much stronger. A non-factor when moving from bullet to blitz, but you see it moving from blitz to rapid or rapid to classical. Even if you don't play those particular people, you play people they have played. Overall ratings are depressed. I see a similar thing with chess 960 here, and even more so at where the player population (for 960) is not as robust as it is here
You’re playing a larger pool of players at the faster time controls and may additionally suffer from less time to think then others; both can easily be attributed to your rating differential.

@gogoLSFC I have got the same thing, being better the slower time controls are. And additionally I am much better in tactics training, where there is no time constraint at all.

I really don't know why. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the smaller player pool. You can see this easily when you dont't look at the rating, but at "you are better than x % " in each category.
And also, this has been so for me even before internet chess existed.

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