

Get a title and play in titled arena. Most players do not play chess 24 hours non stop.
I am sure there will be more marathons. I don't understand how it's possible to play chess for 24 hours non stop. I hope to see 1+0 bullet marathon.
There will be a spring marathon soon but it is not announced yet.
If the spring marathon falls on a good day I might stream all 24 hours.
@Vycm How do you maintain concentration to play chess well for 24 hours non stop?
@hangrad It is really tough playing 24 hours non stop, but you probably need to stay hydrated and eat good food, not that much sugar.
Also look away from the screen for a while every two or three games, so that your eyes wont be too tired.

In the Spring Marathon last year, I came in place 31. In the last game I beat an IM after playing for 15 hours straight. So just play and hope your opponents are more tired than you are.
I would like to have a bullet marathon.
The most important is to have a marathon without increment, because with increment berserking is too risky/difficult.

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