
Why are these blunders? WHAT?

17....f6 is weakening the pawn e6 and the field g6; but Black has already the weak pawn at c4. After W's 18...Nd2 it would fall. There is no good variation to hold c4 after 17...f6 18.Nd2.
Instead of 17...f6 B had the chance to play 17....b5 and perhaps later Bb7 to continue development and keep c4.
The question would be rather, why would f6 and e5 be good in this position, it doesn't solve any problem Black has.
@Pinned786 Judging from the looks of it, I think black's position is difficult to play, but I think its pretty much self explanatory why b5 should be played rather than f6? Anchors the pawn and frees up the light square bishop. After f6 and e5 white won the overextended c pawn after d5! I must admit f6 is quite crafty but the c pawn is an obligation to protect and the light square bishop needs to be placed in a better square! :)
If you look at the evaluation, 18... e5 make it go from 2 to 6. Then after 19 d5 it's back to 2.

The comp suggests 19 de instead. Now Bxc4+ is threatened, winning the queen. On 19... Nxe5 there's 20 Nxe5 Rxe5 21 Bxc4+ Kf8 22 Qd3 and White's looking good.

You are right though that they are not "blunders," in the strict sense. It is more an ill-advised plan (opening up a position that's behind in development).

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