
White has insufficient mating material but I still lose rating points.

I was playing a rapid match today and I was short on time. I ran out of time but I still lost even though white only had a white king and a white Bishop. If I am not mistaken, it is impossible to be checkmated with a bishop and a king only so I shouldn't have lost rating points and it should have been a draw instead. Game link - - - >

I think this is a bug and I hope you guys are able to fix it. Lichess is the best place to play chess in my opinion and I never encountered this sort of bug before. Is it okay if I request a rating refund? Thanks
white can mate here if black makes his pawn a bishop and gets his king to h1 and his bishop on Bg1 and whites king on h3 and bc6 would be mate meaning white can win which means it does count as time out
Ok thanks for replying. So it's not a bug, Rip my rating I guess...
@Sarg0n said in #4:
> This bug is mentioned in the FAQ. Mind read?
if i had a penny for every time someone did not read the faq
i would have enough pennies to buy lichess

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