
Two rooks or queen?

I would have all three if I can!
Queens usually don't last to the endgame though.
Queen + rook would be nice too.
Actually Skeletor I don't see what is rageful about simply stating the facts.

However if you wish to start posting off-topic messages to this thread as well then you too can join in having your posts deleted until they are written in a way that is on-topic again.
I agree with Roper. It depends on the position and it needs to be studied.
I prefer Queens because i see them more flexible than rooks though. Especially when my king has a shelter.
i actually agree with mephistophil here.
Of course there are scenarios where the queen is better, but in the majority of cases and one could say generally the rooks are.
40 knights eh?

The 1 pawn is definitely better. You put 40 knights on a board and I'll call for DQ immediately!

I might blunder that too D:
Here's a fun little list of Queen vs. Two Rooks. You guys can keep compiling, review the games, and come up with your own conclusions.

I still think it boils down to position.
Do note you can't assume these games were played in perfection. (Botvinnik v. Boleslavsky) (Anand v. Topalov) (Polgar v. Shirov) (Zhenevsky v. Botvinnik) (Vijayalakshmi v. Vuckovic)
If there are not pawns, the rooks are better according to me.

But if there are pawns, it's more complex.
The more you guys waste time saying "it depends on the position", the more you fail at telling anyone anything new that they don't already know.

Anyone who doesn't find that to be common sense is lacking. :D

Merit of the question, being "generally better", statistically or otherwise, in which case 2 rooks remains the answer.
Yes well the "statistically" better answer doesn't help because you're only playing one game at a time. You can't just rush into a situation blindly because one is generally better than the other. Just like how sacrificing the exchange is sometimes the best move and other times it isn't. It's literally impossible to make and headway with this discussion past "it depends" unless a specific position is presented.

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