
the pawn.

a pawn is a chess piece.

The pawn is a chess piece that you have 8 of to start in a game of chess. Each pawn is worth 1 point. A pawn moves forward 1 square unless it has not moved yet then it can move 1 OR you can move it 2 squares. You can do en passant from time to time but we will talk about that later.
(Awhile later) ... Today we will talk about primoshin. This is only a pawns ability. A pawn promotes the same tern it reaches the 8th or 1st rank. If you promote the pawn that promotes terns into a different piece. That piece can be a queen, knight, bishop, or rook. the pawn is also good at defending. That is for later.

(The next day) ... En passant is when you have a pawn on the 6th or 4th rank and one of your opponents pawns advances two squares so it is right next to you. You can then capshere the pawn by taking it diagonaly so your pawn is one square behind ware your opponents was. Done wrighting for now.

